the japan society of mechanical engineers 1.mdpi - multidisciplinary digital publishing institute 1.revista d'innovacio educativa i tics 1.japanese society for engineering education 2.eurasian society of educational research 2.higher education press limited company 3.escholarship, university of california 8.journal of research in innovative teaching 2.international journal for multiscale computational engineering 2.georisk: assessment & management of risk for engineered systems & geohazards 2.gazi university journal of gazi educational faculty (gujgef) 2.

european journal of educational research 2.international journal of modern physics a: particles & fields gravitation cosmology nuclear physics 3.international journal of mechanical sciences 4.ieee transactions on mobile computing 5.brazilian journal of probability and statistics 7.a dictionary of philosophy, macmillan 8.film quotations: 11,000 lines spoken on screen, arranged by subject, and indexed 10.ieee transactions on knowledge & data engineering 12.

ieee transactions on information theory 35.journal of the mechanics & physics of solids 36.journal of the mechanics and physics of solids 84.physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications 109.journal of the american statistical association 3,247.journal of statistical planning and inference 4,627.