Like the default video type when loading a file and that a Home Movie should also trigger a search. Also when doing this change I missed some places that should also have been changed. But when MetaZ reads the file it will show the video type as Home Movie. This change didn't affect your iTunes library because they cache the video type and only read it from the file when importing files. Some time back iTunes changed the meaning of the video type field so that the value in the file that meant Movie before now means Home Movie. And lastly TagChimp experiences occasional your problem might be something else though. MetaZ handles the metadata process a little differently: it creates a copy of the file and puts the metadata on the new copy and then trashes the old copy when done. Without Watermark We have proudly decided to not add any watermark on images optimized with our awesome service. The issue I have with how it handles metadata (just tested it there) is it tries to export the whole fileor something, and takes too long because of it. Lossless Compression We use best compression options to reduce image file size without losing visual quality. Open your image in Preview, go to ‘tools’ and select ‘Show Inspector’. The quickest way is to click Properties > Details > Remove Properties. On a MACOS computer, there is a pretty simple way of removing metadata from your photos.
TheMovieDB will only be searched if the video type is Movie, TheTVDB will only be searched if the video type is TV Show, TV Show tag is filled in and the season is specified. All Files Are Removed All image files uploaded in our service are completely removed automatically after a few hours. Windows Explorer (File Explorer in Windows 8.1) lets you view and delete metadata from a file via the Properties dialog box. Different plugins will also search only when certain tags have certain values. Most the of plugins can be disabled in the preferences and the setting "Enable auto-search" will when unchecked require you to perform the search manually with Cmd-F.

Select the Details tab to see all the information attached to it. make a title to search for metadata with based on your files name. Use Explorer to find any item you want to strip of its metadata, right-click on it, and choose Properties. There are several preferences that affect the search. Disable automatic archiving - MetaX normally saves all of the tag data that you.